• (On admire ce titre, s'il vous plaît)

    Hello les loupiotes !
    J'ai été SU-PER inactif, à part pour mon challenge S2 (je vais passer sur vos histoires bientôt, juré !... je tombe en vacances le mois prochain !)... mais j'ai reçu un mail d'Ekla no thanks to you et ça m'a donné envie de recommencer à poster des trucs, sooo... du coup j'ai concocté un petit challenge personnel, mais vu que j'aime bien partager, je partage.

    Alors. C'est totalement inspiré du Not So Berry de lilsimsie et alwaysimming, je vais même pas tenter de prétendre le contraire. Anyway. J'ai décidé de prendre l'arc-en-ciel (mais on remplace l'indigo par du rose), parce que- GAY. Voilà. Après, j'ai aussi décidé de m'inspirer des signes du zodiac des gens qui me sont proches. Et du mien, aussi. Puis j'ai fait un mix entre ma propre expérience avec ces personnes et ce que j'ai lu sur ce site (qui est SPOT-ON pour l'Aquarius en ce qui me concerne, btw, du début à la fin !... c'est pour ça que j'ai fait un pavé pour le mien, oui, pourquoi ?)

    Si ça vous tente, voici les règles ; en anglais, pour me faciliter la vie (mon jeu est en anglais), mais si ça vous tente que je traduise (pas que ce soit le challenge le plus intéressant ou quoi, mais voilà, si ça intéresse quelqu'un...), ça me ferait PLAI-SIR sisi : 

    [Quick edit juste pour être sûr: c'est pour les S4, guys !]

    Generation 1 : Red / Scorpio

    "They hate dishonesty and they can be very jealous and suspicious [...] they enter into a relationship very carefully, because sometimes they need a lot of time to build trust and respect for partners [...] they are very dedicated and they take good care of their family."

    Traits : Family Oriented, Jealous, Loner
    Aspiration : Soulmate
    Career : Tech Guru (eSport Gamer branch)

    Goals :

    • Master the Mischief & Video Gaming skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • Live in an apartment until they turn Adult
    • Never have any Good Friends apart from their soulmate
    • Buy a console as soon as possible
    • Invite their neighbour to play video games with them at least twice a week
    • Have a small dog from Young Adult to Death

    Generation 2 : Orange / Leo

    "Able to use their mind to solve even the most difficult problems, they will easily take initiative in resolving various complicated situations [...] this is an animal fearless and impossible to challenge, hurt or destroy, their only weaknesses being fear and aggression towards those they confront."

    Traits : Lazy, Hot Headed, Self-Assured
    Aspiration : Leader of the Pack
    Career : Business (Management branch)

    Goals :

    • Master the Charisma & Logic skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • Marry High School sweetheart (they must have the Hot Headed trait as well)
    • Have two kids
    • Be Best Friends with their first born, neglect their other child
    • Host at least three Dinner Parties and earn Gold for each of them

    Generation 3 : Yellow / Gemini

    "They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restles [...] they are in this world to mend differences and make them feel right, ready to give their life for a brother or a friend [...] when they find the right person, a lover, a friend and someone to talk to combined into one, they will be faithful and determined to always treasure their heart."

    Traits : Materialistic, Foodie, Outgoing
    Aspiration : Friend of the World
    Career : Doctor

    Goals :

    • Master the Cooking & Fitness skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • Visit the gym at least once a week
    • Cook dinner every day
    • Be Good Friends with all their coworkers
    • Try to keep contact with their sibling but eventually give up
    • Once they find their one and only, stay with them until Death but never get married
    • Only have one child

    Generation 4 : Green / Aquarius

    "They are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic, however, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others [...] they are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems [...] because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement [...] they have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defence mechanism against premature intimacy [...] in love, they are loyal, committed and not at all possessive - they give independence to their partners and consider them as equals [...] considering that they are highly sensitive people, closeness to them means vulnerability."

    Traits : Cat Lover, Music Lover, Squeamish
    Aspiration : Musical Genius
    Career : Actor / Actress

    Goals :

    • Master the Guitar & Photography skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • Get them to at least level three of every single musical instruments
    • Is obsessed with cats and may adopt one and constantly give them anti-aging treats (or just have statues and pictures of cats absolutely everywhere in their house)...
    • They're totally against the idea we have / had of marriage as a society, so they will never get married. Just engaged, maybe
    • If you feel like it, they may be transgender (as I am. And this is my sign, sooo...)
    • Sexuality shouldn't be forced, but if you want to, possibly, make them gay / lesbien, yay. Or just put a pride flag somewhere in their house, it's whatever

    Generation 5 : Blue / Pisces

    "They are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back [...] they are more intuitive than others and have an artistic talent [...] they reveal music preferences in the earliest stages of life [...] they sometimes can take the role of a martyr, in order to catch the attention."

    Traits : Gloomy, Good, Vegetarian
    Aspiration : Friend of the Animals
    Career : Politician (Charity Organizer branch)

    Goals :

    • Master the Violin & Writing skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • They refuse to write from anything but a laptop, don't ask why
    • Pick up the Violin in their Childhood
    • Donate $10,000 to charities
    • Can never woohoo
    • Have at least two children, but can only adopt (or get a mod and pretend they got IVF)
    • Has at least three cats in their household (stray, adoption or CAS) from Teen to Death

    Generation 6 : Purple / Sagittarius

    "Curious and energetic, they are one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs [...] their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life [...] they are extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes [...] they are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals [...] they are generous and not one of those who lecture [...] when it comes to family, they are dedicated and willing to do almost anything."

    Traits : Bro, Cheerful, Romantic
    Aspiration : Big Happy Family
    Career : Military (either branch)

    Goals :

    • Master the Comedy & Wellness skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career
    • Own a guitar or two just because
    • Visit both Granite Falls & Selvadorada at least once
    • Have at least one friend from both Granite Falls & Selvadorada
    • Their one and only doesn't get along with their sibling.s very well...
    • Solve the mystery of Strangerville (but doesn't have to leave there)

    Generation 7 : Pink / Virgo

    "Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance, and although they are often tender, their heart might be closed for the outer world [...] they are often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid, true, or even relevant when opposed to reason [...] have a well-developed sense of speech and writing, as well as all other forms of communication [...] they will care for people they build a solid relationship with, treasuring them for years and nurturing them in every possible way."

    Traits : Bookworm, Perfectionist, Unflirty
    Aspiration : Master Chef
    Career : Culinary (Chef branch) & Managing a Restaurant

    Goals :

    • Master the Gardening & Parenting skills
    • Complete their aspiration & get to the last level of their career... and then open a restaurant
    • Have five relationships total, four must fail (simply get them close-ish and then have the heir to "ask to be just friends" / or get them to bf.gf state and then breakup). Get married to their last relationship as an elder
    • Have at least one child (however you want ; adoption, stepchild.ren, pregnancy.ies...)

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  • Je me souviens plus du tout comment
    commencer / structurer ce genre
    d'articles, du coup... hello there,

    je n'ai rien posté ici depuis un sacré bail, du coup je me suis dit que ce serait bien de me montrer le bout du nez. Pas qu'y'est encore quelqu'un par ici *criquets*, mais voilà ;

    ça va sûrement tourner somewhat personal, donc si vous n'êtes pas confortable avec ça, eh... click off ?

    writing is hard, man

    j'allais poster une update, sur mon legacy, genre "non je n'ai pas abandonné le projet, but, mental health, blah blah"... mais en vérité, si, j'ai un peu abandonné (?). Pas parce que je m'ennui / n'ai plus d'inspiration (mon cerveau b o u i l l o n ne, en fait), mais parce qu'un de mes personnages est directement inspiré de mon vécu. Du coup ça m'ai rendu difficile d'écrire pour lui sans me plonger la tête première dans ce que j'essai déjà d'éviter dans mon quotidien.

    Dysphorie, tout ça.

    dramatic, much ? // it's called f e e l i n g s // ew // yeah...

    Plus précisément, le début, quand tu viens de sortir du placard et que la plupart des gens refusent de d'accepter la réalité parce qu'iels veulent pas faire aucune sorte d'effort traduction : ne te respecte pas, mais se cache quand même derrière le "je respecte tes choix, mais je n'ai pas à les accepter". Parce que c'est t e l l e m e n t compliqué de dire "il" au lien d' "elle"... non aucun argument n'est valide oops, ça vient de devenir un rant. Les gens commencent à peine à utiliser mon nom (choisi ? de préférence ? whatever ), et ça va faire cinq ew ans bientôt.

    (en passant, je crois que j'ai jamais clairement dit que je suis un homme trans sur ce blog sarcastic)

    but it's just fiction... ? // no // it can't be that hard // yes

    Premièrement, spoilers ; Michael est still dans la phase mentionnée au-dessus, du coup ça me rend malade de devoir me mettre dans sa peau et, franchement, me fait beaucoup de mal pour aucun bien. Scénario parlant, Je pensais ne suivre qu'Aeline et Ashton jusqu'à ce que Michael commence à faire comprendre à tout le monde que, non, ce n'est pas juste une phAsE... mais j'ai l'impression de prendre la voie facile et d'ignorer une importante partie de l'histoire (dans le fond, je suis juste impossible à satisfaire). M'enfin, on verra ce qui me vient naturellement...

    Secondement, j'ai quand même une bonne nouvelle : je commence à parler à un.e thérapeute pour différents-problèmes-variés dans trois ou quatre mois (y'a une massive wait list ) ! Pour le plus important (si si) : ma transition médicale. Also, j'ai finalement été diagnostiqué avec quelque chose, du coup je devrais finalement recevoir de l'aide au-delà du bois-de-l'eau-fais-de-l'exercice-tu-devrais-essayer-la-méditation-manges-mieux-essaies-de-penser-à-autre-chose. Iels ont attendu que je sois au bout du rouleau, mais je vais prendre tout ce qu'on me donne, hein.

    (rappelez-moi de prendre une photo à chaque mois, après que j'ai commencé mes hormones)

    so it's gonna be easier, right ? // dude, it's not that simple
    stream Easier by 5 Seconds Of Summer on Spotify 

    Après, cette "première phase", c'est pas juste des transphobes caché.e.s say you're transphobic and go, b- , c'est aussi la partie avant la certitude et la fierté assumée. "Ew je suis sûrement juste un tomboy" et cetera. Transphobie intériorisée, apparemment.

    J'en suis sorti depuis un petit bout, mais, sans vouloir être dramatique, elle me hante encore. C'est juste impossible pour beaucoup de personnes trans (d'après mon expérience et ce que j'ai lu / entendu) de ne pas se dire "et si... je faisais semblant ?", même après des années (je suis certain que le reste de la communauté à des expériences similaires- je parle seulement du t, là, tout de suite, maintenant).

    Non, ça ne va pas mieux, c'est pire. La dysphorie évolue avec le temps. La dernière évolution, si ça vous tente : je peux même pas dire / écrire / entendre le mot boobs en français sans me rendre dysphorique, ni faire de yoga pendant eh- un certain truc qui arrive une fois par mois (non, ça non plus je peux pas en entendre parler) ?

    (j'ai commencé à faire du yoga, en passant, c'est bien fun ^^)

    just stop thinking about it // i'm not even thinking about it

    tl;dr : j'ai rien écrit depuis au moins deux ans parce que je vais pas bien, mais j'y travaille i think.

    Vraiment désolé de vous avoir utilisé en tant que thérapeute temporaire, j'avais juste besoin d'en parler un peu, j'y arrive pas du tout irl. Je vais essayer de poster des trucs positifs, un jour, maybe.

    À l'attendant... à la revoyure, les loupiotes ~




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  • Hello les loupiotes !

    Voici un autre challenge inspiré du Not So Berry de lilsimsie et always simming, pour tenter de me forcer à faire des trucs que je ne fais jamais dans les S3. Voilà.

    Also, c'est en anglais, pour me faciliter la vie (mon jeu est en anglais).

    General Rules :

    • Adjust the duration of each lifestage as you wish, as long as the total lifespan is around 90 days
    • Try to not abuse cheats, it's more fun (imo) that way
    • You can live wherever, move whenever, switch household, choose a cousin to be an heir, idc, unless stated otherwise
    • Feel free to create (or modify existing premades) the spouses ! As long as they meet the requirement.s for each generation, you good
    • Since the outcome of a pregnancy is somewhat random and, also, a lot of the traits are not available for toddlers, I made two of the traits for each generation optional. If you want to give your heirs all of them but the game didn't let you, feel free to cheat it or use the "midlife crisis" reward trait (only available to YA and up)

    Just to be sure :

    • When I say "children", I don't mean "have multiple children", I mean "whatever amount of kid or kids you want to have (unless stated otherwise)"
    • When I say "parents" I mean "whatever type of caregiver or caregivers (or lack of) you have". When I say "parent" I mean "the heir of the previous generation"
    • When I say "siblings", your heir might not have siblings. I'm just trying to create a story here, buddy


    Generation 1 - Pink

    On a hot sunny day (or not), you decide to leave your family and their boring suburbian lifestyle behind to try and make it in the film industry. With no money and your high school diploma rolled up in your pocket, you make your way to the city, where you live from paycheck to paycheck. Your obsession with "making it big" makes it really hard for you to find love. Eh, you prefer cats (and dogs) anyway !

    Traits : animal lover, childish, diva, hopeless romantic, star quality
    Lifetime wish : heartbreaker
    Career : film (either branch)

    Rules :

    • Live in Bridgeport
    • As a Young Adult, live in an apartment
    • Master the Charisma and the Social Networking skills
    • Reach level 10 of the Film career in either branch
    • Have had at least ten partners
    • Be a 5 stars celebrity
    • Marry a colleague, only they seem to understand your passion
    • Adopt a pet or two (or as many as you want), have a better relationship with them than with your children


    Generation 2 - Purple

    While your siblings are busy following into your parents' footsteps, you, little introvert, choose to plan your life out of the public eye. You're quite the smart kid, so you decide to hide away from fame in university. To make up for your close to inexistent relationship with your parent, you decide to spend as much time as possible with your family.

    Traits : family-oriented, genius, shy (+ optional : nurturing, unflirty)
    Lifetime wish : scientific specialist
    Career : science

    Rules :

    • As soon as you get to uni', you notice your stars have faded away... (cheat their celebrity to level 1. If you don't want them to gain back their fame everytime they talk to their parents and/or siblings, make it impossible for your household to gain any fame in the settings)
    • Earn the Science and Medecine degree in university
    • After you got that degree, move to either the outskirts of the city, or change world entirely
    • Reach level 10 of the Science career
    • Max the Logic and the Science skills
    • Be Best Friends with all of your children, never miss any important event in their lives (after school activies events, graduation, wedding...)


    Generation 3 - Red

    You love your parent, really, you do. But your grandparents are so cool ! They're proper celebrities, dude ! They spent your whole childhood feeding you stories about, well... themselves. Upon hearing all of these wonderful tales of glory, fame, and... beautiful simoleons, You choose to throw yourself into a career that you don't actually enjoy, without any sort of preparation or even listening to your grandparent's useless advice. When that doesn't work out for you, you turn to a life of crime. You're not a bad person, just... desperate... right... ?

    Traits : dramatic, natural born performer, rebellious (+ optional : avant garde, evil)
    Lifetime wish : living in the lap of luxury
    Career : magician, criminal (either branch)

    Rules :

    • Maybe move to Starlight Shores, maybe not
    • Start tagging your room, then the house, and then the streets as a teenager (you can indeed get your teen taken away if they get arrested more than two or three times, so do keep that in mind)
    • Master the Fitness and the Street Art skills
    • Reach at least level 3 of the Magician profession then fall into the dark side
    • You can try to reach level 10 of the Criminal career in either branch, but you don't have to
    • Reach a net worth of 100 000§
    • Have a child with a Good sim, just to have them dump you when they realise what you do for a living
    • Be gay do crime


    Generation 4 - Yellow

    You're scared of everything. Like, everything. Your parent leaving you alone at night made you cautious of every little sound this world is capable of producing. To toughen you up a little, your parent send you to work in a cemetery. Really ? It only made matters worse, and you live the rest of your life isolated, without any friends to rely on. They could stab you in the back at any moment, after all ! To survive, you steal your neighbours' food and use whatever you can find in their trash cans. Maybe you steal a little thing here and there, too...

    Traits : commitement issues, coward, mooch (+ optional : frugal, kleptomaniac)
    Lifetime wish : the perfect garden
    Career : cemetery worker, freelance alchemist

    Rules :

    • Master the Alchemy and the Gardening skills
    • As a teenager, work at the mausoleum
    • After that, you can sell your crops if you wish, but try to make your main living off of selling your homemade elixirs
    • Have eight different types of perfect plants on your lot at once
    • Never have any friend outside of your family (parents, parent of your children, children)
    • Never marry, it's way too much attention !


    Generation 5 - Grey

    You spent most of your life locked up in a teeny tiny house. When you age up into a teenager, you start sneaking out to very unsafe places like... the library. And the gym. Very dangerous. Your parent secretly knows, but is too scared to confront you. As soon as you realize that this world isn't limited to your little town and that you can, in fact, visit other parts of this planet, you go ahead and do just that. You also take a bunch of pictures to show everyone.

    Traits : absent-minded, adventurous, photograher's eye (+ optional : loner, clumsy)
    Lifetime wish : great explorer
    Career : professional athlete

    Rules :

    • Master the Martial Arts, Nectar Making and the Photography skills
    • Reach level 10 of the Sports career
    • Fully explore six tombs in each destination
    • Own a home in at least one of the vacation worlds
    • Have a romantic interest in each travel destination, marry a sim from your home world


    Generation 6 - Blue

    Your parent made sure to let you know that they wouldn't let you spend your life cooped up inside. Not that you wanted to. Their is so much to do in this world ! When your family moves to a new place, you discover a new fear, but also a new love ; water. You can't tell if you want to run away from it or if you want to jump right in, you even try to fight your phobia by working as a lifeguard, but quickly realise that it's not for you. Also, you reaaally miss the cold.

    Traits : daredevil, hydrophobic, sailor (+ optional : savvy sculptor, loves the cold)
    Lifetime wish : firefighter superhero
    Career : lifeguard, firefighter

    Rules :

    • As a teen, your parents and you move to either Barnacle Bay, Isla Paradiso (if your PC can run it) or Sunlit Tides
    • Live either on a boathouse or in a beach house
    • Master the Scuba Diving and the Sculpting skills
    • Work as a Lifeguard for a week and then switch to the exact opposite
    • Reach level 10 of the Firefighter career
    • Save 30 lives as a firefighter
    • Marry a merperson (if you don't like playing with occults, just don't send the spouse swimming into the ocean for about a week and they'll turn into a human. But after they got married)


    Generation 7 - Orange

    From a young age, you loved playing with paint, until your parents first bought you a bunch of canvases to get you to stop you from throwing paint absolutely everywhere in the house. Now you can't even get one single drop on your easel without feeling stressed about it. You love showing your art to everyone, even people who don't care. They just said hi to you. Chill.

    Traits : artistic, neat, social butterfly (+ optional : loves the heat, neurotic)
    Lifetime wish : super popular
    Career : business, freelance painter

    Rules :

    • Master the Cooking and the Painting skills
    • Reach level 10 of the Business career. When you do, quit to live your dream of being a freelance painter
    • Have at least 20 friends
    • Throw parties at any occasion. Tried a new recipe ? Invite your family and friends around to celebrate (hopefully you didn't mess up the food...) !


    Generation 8 - Green

    You want to make a difference in this world. You dream of inventing something that would help the environment. Big dreams, kid. In the meantime, you hope that writing for the local journal will convince people to take care of our planet. You won't even clean up after yourself, much to your parent's depleasure...

    Traits : bookworm, slob, vegetarian (+ optional : eco-friendly, loves the outdoors)
    Lifetime wish : monster maker
    Career : journalism

    Rules :

    • Master the Inventing and the Writing skills
    • Reach level 10 of the Journalism career
    • Create three simbots
    • Invent the time machine


    Generation 9 - Peach

    You're an extrovert, you just don't like speaking to people. They're sooo boring. However, you're really good at making other sims think you actually enjoy being around them. Which, if you do say so yourself, makes you the perfect candidate to find various criminals ! One day, one of your clients manage to catch your eye...

    Traits : charismatic, perceptive, snob (+ optional : innapropriate, never nude)
    Lifetime wish : pervasive private eye
    Career : private investigator

    Rules :

    • Master the Handiness and the Mixology skills
    • Reach level 10 of the Private Investigator career
    • Solve 35 cases as a investigator
    • Marry a client
    • Only have one child (if you have twins or triplets, it's fine, you can keep them), you wouldn't be capable of handling any more human interaction


    Generation 10 - Brown

    One day, while hanging out with your grandparent in the lab, they tell you about their supposedly bestest invention yet ; the impossible time machine. Like in Doctor Who ? Man, you love that show ! You curiously place your foot on the portal, not expecting anything to happen, but then-

    Traits : bot fan, dog person, night owl (+ optional : ambitious, supernatural fan)
    Lifetime wish : more than a machine
    Career : astronomer

    Rules :

    • Live in the Future
    • Master the Advanced Technology, the Bot Making and the Laser Rythm-a-Con skills
    • Reach lever 10 of the Astronomer career in either branch
    • Equip a plumbot with the Capacity to Love, the Limitless Learning and the Sentience chips
    • Romance a plumbot
    • Complete the Nanites collection

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